Land is natural resource which has special position in the enviroment problem, that is, as a main support for human life. People are not justified to ignore efforts in preventing degradation in the land function. Land conservationis a must in order to guarantee the continuity of land productivity. Land provides substances for plants, as medium for roots, and water reservoir. Among the effort to increase agricultural production include good physical management of land in the form utilization of land which considers land and enviroment conservation aspects. Mechanization in the utilization of land plays important role as the famers have perceived its value like: efficiencies in the time, energy effect of praticing mechanization in the utilization of land need atteention especcially in relation with the continuity of land productivity, weeds thickness and variety, and the shifts of workers.
This research seeks solution or at least help in resolving the problems of mechanization in the management of land utilization for region.
The objective this research is to find out the extent of: 1. Impacts of mechanization in the utilization of land productivity. 2. The level of tickness and variety of weeds. 3. Additional benefitsfor farmer who own land, benefits tractor owner, and the shifts of worker. The benefit that ae expected from the research are: 1. Providing inputs to the related agencies in deciding policis of implementing patternsin order to maintain land prodctiviy. 2. Development of machines used in the utilization of land, especially mouldboard and rotary. 3. Providing basis for the related agencies in deciding licenses policy for the numbers of tractors allowed to operate in certain region.
To achieve these object field practise of mechanization in the land utilization is carriedout for wet and dry areas. Biotical components data measured this research includes : tickness and variety of weeds, rice, corn production, hhile the socio-economic components : income addition farmers who own lands, benefits of tractors ownership and the shift of farm workers.
The researc conclude that: 1). Implementation of mechanization in the utilization of land influences the change in phisical charasterictics of land which in turn influences the sensitivity of land erotion. 2). Mechanization in the utilization of land really influences the actual productivity of land that includes plants production, thickness and variety of weeds. 3). Mechanization in the utilization of land influences additional benefits of farmers who own lands, farmer who tractor and influences the shift of workers to a certain region.
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